Two Week’s Notice: The Departure of Hella Sketchy” is a powerful and emotionally charged documentary film that delves into the life, struggles, and untimely passing of Jacob “Hella Sketchy” Thureson. This film serves a threefold purpose, aiming to honor Jacob’s memory, initiate an open dialogue about mental health, and address the issue of substance abuse.

The documentary unfolds as a tribute to Jacob, affectionately known as Hella Sketchy, a talented young artist whose life was tragically cut short. Through interviews with friends, family, and collaborators, the film paints a vivid portrait of Jacob’s journey, both as an artist and as a young person grappling with his inner demons. It showcases his immense talent, dedication to music, and the impact he made on those who knew him.

However, “Two Week’s Notice” transcends being a mere biography. It courageously confronts the stigmatized issues of mental health and substance abuse. Jacob’s struggle with these issues is explored with sensitivity, shedding light on the difficulties he faced and the inadequacies of the support systems available to him. By doing so, the documentary aims to destigmatize these topics, fostering understanding and empathy among viewers.

The film takes an empathetic and non-judgmental approach, seeking to replace moral judgment, stigma, shame and guilt with love, kindness, patience, gentleness, and support. It encourages viewers to reflect on their own attitudes and perceptions surrounding mental health and substance abuse, motivating them to replace judgment with compassion.

“Two Week’s Notice” ultimately serves as a catalyst for difficult conversations surrounding these crucial issues. It offers a safe space for viewers to open up, share their own experiences, and explore the complexities of mental health and addiction. The underlying mission of the documentary is to inspire change, motivate people to lean into uncomfortable discussions, and contribute to a society that offers genuine support to those who need it most.

In honoring Jacob’s legacy, this documentary invites audiences to join in the collective effort to remove the barriers that prevent open dialogue about mental health and substance abuse. “Two Week’s Notice” is not just a film; it’s a call to action, a tribute, and a step towards a more compassionate and understanding world.